
The Preliminary Examination of the Situation in Bolivia focuses on alleged atrocity crimes committed during the COVID-19 pandemic, following a referral from the Government of Bolivia alleging Rome Statute crimes against humanity were committed in Bolivia in August 2020. As of September 2021, the preliminary examination of the situation in Bolivia is in the subject-matter jurisdiction assessment phase.



The Preliminary Examination of the Situation in Bolivia focuses on alleged atrocity crimes committed during the COVID-19 pandemic. On September 9, 2020, the OTP received a referral from the Government of Bolivia alleging Rome Statute crimes against humanity committed in Bolivia in August 2020. In its referral, the Government of Bolivia alleged that members of a political party, Movimiento al Socialismo, engaged in an attack on the Bolivian population by preventing the free passage of convoys, transport and communications. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of this blockade effectively prevented civilian populations in some Bolivian cities from accessing public health supplies and services, leading to severe illness without proper access to medical care, and sometimes death.


ICC Status

Bolivia ratified the Rome Statute on June 27, 2002. The ICC has jurisdiction over Rome Statute crimes committed since September 1, 2002.

In its December 14, 2020 report, the OTP stated that it intended to conclude its subject matter jurisdiction review in the first half of 2021.

As of September 2021, the preliminary examination of the situation in Bolivia is in the subject-matter jurisdiction assessment phase.

For more information on the preliminary examination in Bolivia, please visit the ICC page.


Updated 9/20/2021